Privacy policy

Privacy Policy 20 July 2007
navigation data and recording
1. What data is collected?
2. They come as the data supplied?
3. Data is disclosed to third parties?
4. Safety
5. Regarding cookies
6., Contact us

Data relating to online shopping and promotional activities

1. The data source
2. Purpose of the data processing
3. Methods of treatment
4. Obligatory or voluntary nature of providing data
5. Categories of subjects to whom the data may be disclosed
6. Rights of
7. Holder of the treatment

Fiapp International s.r.l. recognizes the importance of protecting all the data relating to its customers, whether they are of a personal nature (eg identification data) or financial (eg credit card number).
For this reason, Fiapp International s.r.l. guarantees the adoption of specific procedures and appropriate security measures in order to better protect their data.
Fiapp International s.r.l. reserves the right to change its privacy policy, and consequently this information. Updates will be posted on this site. We recommend that you periodically visit this page of the website.
This website is managed by Fiapp International s.r.l. .
This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected, maintained or used by Fiapp International s.r.l. .

1. Fiapp International s.r.l. which collects data?
Fiapp International s.r.l. collects personal information of those who visit the site or those who register for promotional purposes.

2. Fiapp International s.r.l. as using the data provided?
Clients who choose to register on our site, and provides expressly Fiapp International s.r.l. their consent, will receive by electronic communication, all listings related to new products and services, new content and events Fiapp International s.r.l. . At any time, the Customer may choose to unsubscribe from the site and the company will not send you information or some of his e-mail address.

3. Fiapp International s.r.l. communicates your data to third parties?
Fiapp International s.r.l. does not sell, rent, does not share personal information about their customers with entities that do not belong to Fiapp International s.r.l. . In order to maintain our website and provide our customers the service of e-commerce and communication services, Fiapp International s.r.l. caters to the selected suppliers. If necessary, your data will be handled by third parties solely for the purpose of assisting Fiapp International s.r.l. in providing such services as well as third parties are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations.
Fiapp International s.r.l. not communicate otherwise your data to third parties, unless it is expressly required by law or is required for the purposes of legal action. If Fiapp International s.r.l. is acquired by another entity data relating to clients Fiapp International s.r.l. will be provided. However, the purchasing entity will ensure the protection of your personal information as described in this privacy policy.

4. Safety
Fiapp International s.r.l. uses appropriate safeguards to protect the information provided. However, although Fiapp International s.r.l. take all necessary measures to protect the data you provide, please note that no data transmission via the Internet can be guaranteed absolutely against access by unauthorized third parties and Fiapp International s.r.l. can not be held responsible for any breach of security that is not attributable to the negligent conduct of Fiapp International s.r.l. .

5. Regarding cookies
Cookies are pieces of information that a website can send to your computer's browser for storage purposes. Fiapp International s.r.l. uses cookies to ascertain which web pages are visited and how often, in order to make our site more accessible and allow easier access every time you return to our site.

6., Contact us
If you have comments or questions about our privacy policy, please send an e-mail to, or write to the following address:
Fiapp International s.r.l. , Via A. Volta, 10 24060 San Paolo D'Argon (BG)

Data relating to online shopping and promotional activities

Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree No 30 June 2003. 196 ("Italian Code regarding the protection of personal data")

1. The data source
The personal data processed by Fiapp International s.r.l. are directly provided by you in order to proceed with the purchase online.
If such data were to change over time, please contact the address below to communicate the modifications in order to enable us to keep your personal information accurate and up to date.

2. Purpose of the data processing

The information you provide will be treated by Fiapp International s.r.l. for the following purposes:
a. in order to fulfill your purchase request, with reference to the processing of the request and the obligations, including legal, administrative, accounting and tax related to the purchase,
b. to handle correspondence and service communications with you;
c. to verify the completeness, validity and correctness of the data provided, in order to avoid computer-related fraud.

Also, with your specific consent, your data, collected also in occasion of his possible future online purchases, could be used by Fiapp International s.r.l. in order to know her better (through the analysis of data relating to your preferences with respect to our products , the frequency of your purchases, or to your requests in relation to items purchased) in order to perform activities of direct mail and direct e-mailing in order to send invitations or information about our activities and to provide further personalized services. In addition, the hotel staff so Fiapp International s.r.l. able to assure a thorough and timely assistance.

3. Methods of treatment
In relation to the aforementioned purposes, your personal data are collected by electronic means, on secure channels, and are treated mainly through the use of electronic tools adequately protected or in paper form.
Furthermore, if you consent to the inclusion of your data in the data base Fiapp International s.r.l. Customer data may be subject to processing tasks, comparison, selection and extraction for processing of statistical analysis and market processed in aggregate form or not.

4. Obligatory or voluntary nature of providing data
To complete an online purchase is necessary to provide the required data. It follows that the absence of data makes it impossible to start, run and drive purchase online.

5. Categories of subjects to whom the data may be disclosed
Your personal data will be processed by the Managers and Trustees of Fiapp International s.r.l. responsible for the management of the transaction.
Your information also may be disclosed to third parties, in Italy or abroad, including professionals and employees of service companies that support Fiapp International s.r.l. in the management of the transaction (mainly suppliers of Internet services, shipping agents), institutions banks for the management of payments and receipts relating to the purchase and consultants, service providers of direct marketing and information technology in general. The data will not be distributed and sold to third parties for promotional purposes.
Furthermore, if you consent to the inclusion of your data in the data base Fiapp International s.r.l. Customer data may be subject to analysis and direct marketing activities.

6. Rights of
We inform you, finally, that Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 gives, as an interested party, specific rights.
In particular, you can get to Fiapp International s.r.l. confirmation of the existence or not of personal data in the databases of the company; may require that personal data be made available in The intelligible form to know the origin of the data and the logic on which it is based; may obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of the data processed in violation of the law, as well as updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of data; may object, on legitimate grounds, in whole or in part, to the same treatment.
In relation to the above-mentioned personal data processing, you may exercise your rights, and get an updated list of persons to whom the data are disclosed, by writing to the following address: Fiapp International s.r.l. , Via A. Volta, 10 24060 San Paolo D'Argon (BG)

7. Holder of the treatment
The treatment is Fiapp International s.r.l. , Via A. Volta, 10 24060 San Paolo D'Argon (BG)
Partita IVA 02038930166
