Terms and conditions

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. These Legal  regulate access to the site www.fluooitaly.com and its use.
Use of this site is governed by the conditions set out below (the "Terms of Use"). If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, please leave the website immediately Your use of the Site implies acceptance of these conditions and their obligation, as well as the privacy policy and, if online shopping, information pertaining to the sale. Fiapp International s.r.l.  reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify these Terms from time to time. Your use of the Site following such changes constitutes your acceptance of the Terms of Use as revised and their obligation, the protection of copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights.
This Site, considered in its entirety, as well as all the material contained herein is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights.
You acknowledge that any proposals, designs, concepts, photographs, contributions or any other content and materials (with the exception of personal information) disclosed or sent to Fiapp International s.r.l. through this Site or by other means (hereinafter, the "Submissions" ) are not confidential and are not the property of the sender, but will become and remain the property of Fiapp International s.r.l. Any such communication or material you send to the user involve the transfer to Fiapp International s.r.l. of all right, title and interest, including those arising from copyright in the Submission. Fiapp International s.r.l. is not required, nor will be held in the future: (i) to keep any Submission confidential; (Ii) to pay any compensation for the use of the Submission or in relation to it; (III) to respond to items of material or to confirm receipt. You represent and warrant that the material sent by him not in any way violate any rights of third parties, including, by way of example and without limitation, the rights relating to copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, privacy or other property rights or personal in nature. By placing an item of material, the user recognizes the right, but not the obligation, Fiapp International s.r.l. to copy, publish, distribute or use such Submission, or any portion thereof, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, for advertising, promotional, product development or other commercial purposes, without thereby conferring to you or others entitled to receive compensation. You are and shall remain solely responsible for the content of any Submission.

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This site does not contain all of the products and services Fiapp International s.r.l. Not all products and services Fiapp International s.r.l. shown on this Site are or will be available at all stores supplied. The style, designs and colors of Fiapp International s.r.l. products shown in this Site may be changed without notice.

Release clause
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The various standard terms and conditions are governed by Italian law.
